There are a number of disorders that are related and/or appear to be similar to OCD, and because of the new changes to the Diagnostic Statistic Manual (DSM-V; published in May 2013) some of these disorders are officially classified under the "Obsessive Compulsive and Related Disorder" category, which will be marked with a *. These include:
Excessive concern and/or preoccupation with a perceived defect in one's physical features.
Excessive acquisition of possessions with a significant struggle to discard them. See the hoarding brochure for more information.
Compulsive skin picking. Also referred to as a "body-focused repetitive behavior" or BFRB.
Compulsive hair pulling. Also referred to as a "body-focused repetitive behavior" or BFRB.
The belief that physical symptoms are signs of a serious illness, even when there is no medical evidence to support the presence of an illness.
A neurological disorder characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary movements and/or vocalizations.
There are four primary types that can be generally defined as an impulse or urge, failure to resist an impulsive behavior or act that may be harmful to ones self or others, which often provides temporary pleasure, and then often ends with feelings of guilt and/or shame (although not always). These four include:
Body focused repetitive behaviors (such as hair pulling, skin picking, and nail biting) were once considered impulse control disorders, but are now categorized as part of the OC and Related Disorders category.
An eating disorder characterized by one's refusal to maintain a healthy body weight and an obsessive fear of gaining weight; one's self image is often distorted.
The obsessive and compulsive qualities of an eating disorder can often be confused with and/or coexist with OCD. While I do not have the expertise to treat severe eating disorders, I do work collaboratively with other eating disorder specialists to assist individuals when OCD is a part of their struggle in addition to an eating disorder.
Rachael Hatton, MA, Marriage and Family Therapist #79992
197 Woodland Pkwy, Suite 104 #1018 San Marcos, CA 92069
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